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Reading Strategies

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The Alphabet Technique Remembering Middle Length Lists

Wednesday, February 08, 2006 7:49 PM

The Alphabet system is a peg memory technique similar to, but more sophisticated than, the Number/Rhyme system. It is a good method for remembering longer lists of items in a specific order, in such a way that you can tell if items are missing.

It works by associating images representing letters of the alphabet with images you create for the things to be remembered.
When you are creating images for the letters of the alphabet, create images phonetically, so that the sound of the first syllable of the word is the name of the letter. For example, you might represent the letter 'k' with the word 'cake'

The Alphabet Technique links the items to be remembered with images of the letters A - Z. This allows you to remember a medium length list in the correct order. By pegging the items to be remembered to letters of the alphabet you know if you have forgotten items, and know the cues to use to trigger their recal. The Journey System is the next tool we look at. This is a powerful technique for quickly remembering long lists. To read this, click "Next article" below. Other relevant destinations are shown in the "Where to go from here" list underneath.

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